Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords
Chromepass is a python-based console application that generates a windows executable with the following features:
Decrypt Chrome saved passwords
Send a file with the login/password combinations remotely (email or reverse-http)
Custom icon
Completely undetectable by AntiVirus Engines
Getting started
Dependencies and Requirements
This is a very simple application, which uses only:
Python - Only tested on 3.7.4 but should work in 3.6+
Chromepass requires Python 3.6+ to run.
Install the dependencies:
> cd chromepass
> pip install -r requirements.txt
If any errors occur make sure you're running on the proper environment (if applicable) and that you have python 3.6+ (preferably 3.7.4). If the errors persist, try:
> python -m pip install --upgrade pip
> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Chromepass is very straightforward. Start by running:
> python
It will ask you to select between two options :
(1) via email [ To be fixed ]
This will ask you for an email address and a password
It will then ask you if you wish to send to another address or to yourself
Next, you're asked if you want to display an error message. This is a fake message that if enabled will appear when the victim opens the executable, after the passwords have been transferred.
You can then write your own message or leave it blank
You're done! Wait for the executable to be generated and then it's ready.
(2) via client.exe [ Recommended at the moment ]
First you're asked to input an IP Address for a reverse connection. This is the address that belongs to the attacker. It can be a local IP address or a remote IP Address. If a remote address is chosen, Port Forwarding needs to be in place.
You're then asked if you want to display an error message. This is a fake message that if enabled will appear when the victim opens the executable, after the passwords have been transferred.
You can then write your own message or leave it blank
You're done! Wait for the executables to be generated and then it's ready.
The client.exe must be started before the server_ip.exe. The server_ip.exe is the file the victim receives.
Note: To set a custom icon, replace icon.ico by the desired icon with the same name and format.
Sending Real-time precise location of the victim (completed, releases next update)
Also steal Firefox passwords (Completed, releases next update)
Option of installing a backdoor allowing remote control of the victim's computer (completed, releases next update)
Support for more email providers (in progress)
Also steal passwords from other programs, such as keychains(in progress) Add Night Mode (in progress)
Thanks for reading .